Expanded Learning Activities
Here are a few resources to help amplify your STEM program, allowing students to continue exploring and using their kit on their own and in new inventive ways.
DIY.org (fee for service), a STEM course platform for youth to post projects, participate in challenges, and interact with fellow peers.
Below are a few Free programs and resources that may be of interest to site coordinators and students to continue STEM learning.
- https://stemactivitiesforkids.com/free-stem-resources/ (STEM resources, ideas, and encouragement to teachers, parents, and students)
- https://learn.concord.org/ (Interactive STEM activities and scientifically accurate models)
- https://www.mastersindatascience.org/resources/the-ultimate-stem-guide-for-kids-239-cool-sites-about-science-technology-engineering-and-math/ (The Ultimate STEM Guide for Kids)
- https://www.steamcafe.net/stem-at-home/ (STEM at Home, 15 Online and Offline Activities and Resources)
- https://www.khanacademy.org/ (Join Khan Academy to get personalized help with what you’re studying or to learn something completely new.)
- https://www.titlemax.com/engineering-games-and-projects-from-titlemax-com/ (learn about Engineering Careers and complete mini-projects at home)
- A Beginner’s Glossary of Coding and Programming Terms - https://www.qualtrics.com/blog/glossary-of-coding-and-programming-terms/
- A compilation of resources aimed at helping women in STEM, programming and gaming - https://wordfinderx.com/blog/women-in-stem-gaming/
- A Complete Guide to K-12 STEM Resources - https://techguide.org/resources/k-12-stem-guide/
- A Guide for Women in Technology - https://techguide.org/resources/women-in-tech/
- Cybersecurity for K-12 Students - https://cybersecurityguide.org/resources/k-12-guide/
- Free STEM Resources Provided By Public Libraries - https://librarysciencedegreesonline.org/free-stem-resources-provided-by-public-libraries/
- Project Guide for Robotics and Engineering - https://couponfollow.com/research/free-guide-for-robotics
(This one includes a ton of tutorials for robotics projects plus where to find the tools and equipment you will need!) - Engineering Games and Lessons - www.elevators.com/a-digital-list-helpful-engineering-games/
(This one includes a ton of tutorials for engineering projects and games!) - Introducing Coding to Young Minds - https://bestcodingbootcamps.com/advice/from-the-start-introducing-coding-to-young-minds/
- Discovering Effective Approaches to Teaching Multiplication - www.voyagersopris.com/vsl/blog/best-way-to-teach-multiplication
- STEM Games for Kids (various ages): https://www.snappywords.com/knowledge/engaging-young-minds-fun-and-educational-stem-games
- Articifial Intelligence (AI) Forward: https://aifwd.com/