Robo Arm: Crea un aparto que te ayuda agarrar cosas y aprender a inventar máquinas útiles.

Robo Arm

¡Cree un dispositivo gripper que le ayuda a agarrar la materia!


Cuando usted trabaja por la sesión, asegúrese para examinar todos los diagramas de Bits para aprender como los Bits trabajan y como ellos están relacionados con el verdadero mundo. Usted también puede encontrar la información sobre cada Bits en el Snap the Gap STEM Bit Index.

robo arm.jpg



Exploración de Carrera

Explora estas dos mujeres que han hecho contribuciones significativas en las carreras de STEM. Por favor toma unos minutos para leer sus historias en las tarjetas abajo y piensa en lo siguiente:

- ¿Puede usted verse en sus trabajos?

- ¿Estás interesado en aprender más sobre sus trabajos?

- ¿Qué te inspira seguir estos modelos?




Descargue las cartas de Mujeres en STEM aquí:



Estos videos muestran diferentes formas en que las máquinas pueden ayudar a las personas en su vida diaria.


Simone Giertz Nose Blowing Machine - ingeniero que hace hilarantes máquinas “útiles”




Robo Arm

¡Cree un dispositivo gripper que le ayuda a agarrar la materia!


CREAR: Mira la lista de videos a continuación para obtener instrucciones de construcción para crear el Gripper.

  1. Introducción a los wearables

  2. Crear Gripper


CREAR: Vea la siguiente presentación de diapositivas de fotos sobre cómo construir su invención Robo Arm / Gripper.

  1. Construyendo su plantilla

  2. Construyendo su circuito

  3. Construyendo tu invención


Step 1: This invention requires us to build out three templates. The first template is Template #2.

Step 2: Template #2 is the one on the left, save the one on the right for later but not now.

Step 3: Start folding and unfolding all the dotted lines downward like so.

Step 4: Then start folding and unfolding all the solid lines upward like so.

Step 5: Next, start folding and matching the numbered faces in order from #1 to #7.

Step 6: See how Face #1 and #2 are folded onto their matching faces.

Step 7: Now, let's fold together Face #3 to match with the other face #3

Step 8: Fold numbered faces #3 together like so.

Step 9: Fold face #4 to match with other face #4.

Step 10: Continue folding face #5, #6, #7 to match with their opposite faces.

Step 11: Next, insert tab #8 into slot #8.

Step 12: Now, lets fold the faces #9 together.

Step 13: Hold the faces together and insert the tabs into the slots to hold in place.

Step 14: This is one side of the Gripper. Now lets move onto the next template.

Step 15: This time we will be working with Template #1.

Step 16: Fold and unfold all dotted lines downward like so.

Step 17: Fold and unfold all solid lines upward like so.

Step 18: Now, lets start folding and matching the numbered faces in order from #1 to #9.

Step 19: Next, fold together and match numbered Face #3.

Step 20: See how the face #3 is folded together with the other face #3.

Step 21: Next, fold and match numbered face #4 with the other face #4.

Step 22: Fold and match numbered face #5 with other face #5.

Step 23: Fold and match numbered face #6 with the other face #6.

Step 24: Fold and match numbered face #7 with the other face #7.

Step 25: Insert tab #8 into slot #8.

Step 26: Fold together and match face #9 with the other face #9.

Step 27: Hold the faces together and insert the tabs into the slots to hold in place.

Step 28: Now, your second piece is finished. Next, we will move onto our last template to build.

Step 29: The last template we will build is Template #3.

Step 30: Start by folding and unfolding all dotted lines downward and solid lines upward like so.

Step 31: Next, fold and match numbered tabs and faces in order from #1 to #6.

Step 32: Next, insert tabs #2 and #3 into slots #2 and #3.

Step 33: Fold at the solid line to insert the tabs #2 and #3 into the slots like so.

Step 34: Pull the tabs and lock them into place like so.

Step 35: Next, insert tabs #4 and #5 into matching slots #4 and #5. like so.

Step 36: Then fold the tabs facing upwards into the slots to hide them.

Step 37: Flip over the template and fold face #6 over matching other face #6.

Step 38: Now, you have the last finished template. Now to build our circuit for the invention.


Step 1: Attach the battery, power bit, wire bit, slide dimmer bit, wire bit and servo bit together.

Step 2: Set the servo bit to TURN mode for this invention.


Step 1: Start by sliding your mounting board into the two flaps with bit holes of the first gripper arm you made (template #2).

Step 2: Attach the battery onto bit holder "C" and attach power bit onto bit holder "D" like so.

Step 3: Flip over template and attach the servo motor (not green servo bit) onto the bit holder labeled SERVO.

Step 4: Slide the mounting board into the hand bound (purple box) like so.

Step 5: Attach the green servo bit onto the bit holes of the hand mound (purple box) like so.

Step 6: Push the slide dimmer into the bit holes on the side of the hand mound like so.

Step 7: Now, power on the power bit.

Step 8: Slide the switch all the way to the side marked "Wire In."

Step 9: Now that the servo has been zeroed out, we can now assemble and attach the moving arm.

Step 10: Slide the arm into the a the other template gripper arm like so.

Step 11: Then attach the end of the arm onto the black motor below.

Step 12: Now, your invention is finished!

T-1.pngStep 1: This invention requires us to build out three templates. The first template is Template #2.Step 2: Template #2 is the one on the left, save the one on the right for later but not now. Step 3: Start folding and unfolding all the dotted lines downward like so.Step 4: Then start folding and unfolding all the solid lines upward like so.Step 5: Next, start folding and matching the numbered faces in order from #1 to #7. Step 6: See how Face #1 and #2 are folded onto their matching faces.Step 7: Now, let's fold together Face #3 to match with the other face #3Step 8: Fold numbered faces #3 together like so.Step 9: Fold face #4 to match with other face #4.Step 10: Continue folding face #5, #6, #7 to match with their opposite faces. Step 11: Next, insert tab #8 into slot #8.Step 12: Now, lets fold the faces #9 together. Step 13: Hold the faces together and insert the tabs into the slots to hold in place. Step 14: This is one side of the Gripper. Now lets move onto the next template. Step 15: This time we will be working with Template #1.Step 16: Fold and unfold all dotted lines downward like so.Step 17: Fold and unfold all solid lines upward like so.Step 18: Now, lets start folding and matching the numbered faces in order from #1 to #9.Step 19: Next, fold together and match numbered Face #3.Step 20: See how the face #3 is folded together with the other face #3.Step 21: Next, fold and match numbered face #4 with the other face #4.Step 22: Fold and match numbered face #5 with other face #5.Step 23: Fold and match numbered face #6 with the other face #6.Step 24: Fold and match numbered face #7 with the other face #7.Step 25: Insert tab #8 into slot #8.Step 26: Fold together and match face #9 with the other face #9.Step 27: Hold the faces together and insert the tabs into the slots to hold in place. Step 28: Now, your second piece is finished. Next, we will move onto our last template to build.Step 29: The last template we will build is Template #3.Step 30: Start by folding and unfolding all dotted lines downward and solid lines upward like so.Step 31: Next, fold and match numbered tabs and faces in order from #1 to #6.Step 32: Next, insert tabs #2 and #3 into slots #2 and #3. Step 33: Fold at the solid line to insert the tabs #2 and #3 into the slots like so.Step 34: Pull the tabs and lock them into place like so.Step 35: Next, insert tabs #4 and #5 into matching slots #4 and #5. like so.Step 36: Then fold the tabs facing upwards into the slots to hide them.Step 37: Flip over the template and fold face #6 over matching other face #6.Step 38: Now, you have the last finished template. Now to build our circuit for the invention.C.pngStep 1: Attach the battery, power bit, wire bit, slide dimmer bit, wire bit and servo bit together.Step 2: Set the servo bit to TURN mode for this invention.INVENTION THUMBNAIL.pngStep 1: Start by sliding your mounting board into the two flaps with bit holes of the first gripper arm you made (template #2). Step 2: Attach the battery onto bit holder "C" and attach power bit onto bit holder "D" like so.Step 3: Flip over template and attach the servo motor (not green servo bit) onto the bit holder labeled SERVO.Step 4: Slide the mounting board into the hand bound (purple box) like so.Step 5: Attach the green servo bit onto the bit holes of the hand mound (purple box) like so.Step 6: Push the slide dimmer into the bit holes on the side of the hand mound like so.Step 7: Now, power on the power bit.Step 8: Slide the switch all the way to the side marked "Wire In." Step 9: Now that the servo has been zeroed out, we can now assemble and attach the moving arm.Step 10: Slide the arm into the a the other template gripper arm like so. Step 11: Then attach the end of the arm onto the black motor below. Step 12: Now, your invention is finished!



JUGAR: ¡Prueba tu invento! 






REMEZCLA: Actualice o mejore su prototipo

¿Cómo puedes usar Bits y materiales de manualidades para mejorar o personalizar tu invención?

Aquí hay algunas ideas más:

  • Hágalo automático con el sensor de sonido y los bits de cierre

    • Mira la siguiente lista de reproducción de video para un remix guiado:

      • Crear pinza automática

      • Jugar Auto Gripper

      • Sobre el pestillo


  • Añadir bits

    • ¿Cómo podría esto cambiar o mejorar su invención para ayudar a alguien a completar una tarea?

      • ¿Puedes agregar un LED largo para que sea más fácil recoger cosas en la oscuridad? ¿Y su Buzzer Bit?

    1. Agregar otros materiales artesanales

      • Dale personalidad a tu pinza: ¿se parece a un animal o parte de un traje de superhéroe?

        • Use calcomanías o agregue otros materiales de artesanía y sea creativo aquí.

      • ¿Hay otros materiales que puede agregar para cambiar o mejorar la funcionalidad?

        • ¿Puedes agrandar la pala o agregar un limpiapipas para crear un gancho?

          • Pruebe diferentes materiales disponibles para usted.

COMPARTIR: ¡Comparte tu invención con amigos o familiares! 

Aquí hay algunas ideas sobre cómo puede compartir sobre su invención:

  • Crea una historia sobre tu invento.

  • Hable acerca de las actualizaciones o características únicas que agregó al prototipo original y por qué decidió hacer estos cambios.

  • ¡Toma fotos de tu invención final y envíalas al coordinador de tu sitio!




Enlaces Útiles:

Conceptos básicos de littleBits

Ciclo de invención de littleBits

Solución de problemas de littleBits

Snap The Gap STEM Kit Overview

Snap The Gap STEM Kit Bit Index

Enlaces inspiradores:

Máquina de soplado de nariz


Consejos y trucos:

Modos de Servo Bit